What are some water management tips to use?

 One of the most important and most neglected aspects of any building construction project is the water conservation plan. Every building construction project must design and execute a water conservation plan to maintain sustainable development of the property. Everyone knows that the existing water resources supplying potable water to the cities are increasingly falling prey to scarcity. Underground water is getting depleted at an alarming rate, and climate change has made monsoon downpours quite erratic. 

At the same time, per capita, water consumption is increasing yearly. The day is not far when civic administrations across the country will refuse to take the responsibility of supplying potable water to residential buildings. In that situation, the water management strategy of construction projects will save the day.

The good thing is that most of the reputed builders operating in the country have started considering sustainable water management as a part of their construction design. They direct the contractors to take care of it quite seriously. Nowadays, water management techniques are implemented in buildings. A few of them are as follows:

1.Rainwater harvesting plants

This is a water conservation technique that is operationally effective and visually appealing to the general public. The sales manager of the construction project can use it for marketing the property. Operationally, rainwater harvesting plants are nothing but reservoirs to store monsoon water, which can be used for various purposes such as cleaning, gardening, fire management, etc. The construction of such reservoirs does not affect the total cost of construction. It can be assimilated into the design of a common maintenance area.

2.Water-efficient plumbing fixtures

This is a technique for sustainable water management in residential buildings. This technique ensures that all the pipes and plumbing fixtures used in the building provide optimal use of water. These might include low-flow toilets and urinals, sensor-based taps and showers, water recycling washing machines, etc. It is true that this technique significantly increases the cost of construction, but in the long run, it enables the construction to be truly water-efficient. 

3.Strong reporting system

It is probably the simplest technique for sustainable water management. It refers to establishing a swift and accurate reporting system of leaks and pipe-cuts through a water or moisture-sensitive alarm system. If a leak gets reported immediately, it can be fixed in no time, preventing a lot of water wastage.


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