Importance of managing water resources in 2021?

The year 2020 was a hard pill to swallow for the entire human civilization. However, the unnatural occurrences of the year have made it clear that more sufferings await us unless we mend our ways. We have been playing with nature quite arrogantly for quite a long time. It is high time that we realized our blunders and paid nature the respect it deserved. In this regard, the year 2021 is being hailed by many as the year of pioneering sustainable living. 

In the domain of real estate development and construction projects, this can be practiced. The point is that sustainable real estate development is not difficult. The key lies in the intentions and interests of the investors and the management. The good thing is that several real estate development projects have already designed the blueprint for sustainable construction. One of these domains is the management of water.

Water resources play an essential role in the sustainability of any real estate development project. A property that fails to promise the long term availability of sufficient clean and potable water to the customers loses value quite rapidly. So, building projects must take all the necessary measures to conserve water. Sustainable water resources management is a three-fold process, consisting of water conservation, wastage prevention, and sewage treatment. A real estate development project must give due attention to all three folds equally.

1.Water conservation

It is the first step for sustainable water management in any construction project. The simplest way to do this is to create and maintain the infrastructure for rainwater harvesting. Developing such an infrastructure does not increase the cost but adds a lot of value to it.

2.Wastage prevention

It is probably the most critical fold of the sustainable water resources management process. It refers to the prevention of leakages and spills of clean water by keeping regular checks on the pipelines and plumbing fixtures of the building. It can be done by the use of high-quality plumbing equipment and also by installing sensor-based alarm systems. Wastage can also be prevented by developing a system of recycling used water. For example, water used in aesthetic aspects can be recycled in gardening and common area cleaning.

3.Sewage treatment

Every construction project must make it a point to develop the infrastructure for sewage treatment so that the waste material produced in the property does not pollute the surrounding water bodies. It is probably the greatest community service any construction project can undertake.


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